Monday, March 25, 2013

Rusting Fabric-The Gathering A Monday Artify Opp

Oh, this is going to be a fun week.
Though there is tons for me to catch up on, there is still enough time to gather up the supplies needed to create a bit of rusty fabric and maybe even some paper.

I hope you'll join in.
You'll need some basic supplies -
fabric (old t-shirts are good for this), an empty spray bottle, white vinegar, plastic bags or drop cloths

Then you'll want to start looking about and gathering metal things that we'll RUST!
These may include...

washers - nuts & bolts
nails - screws
keys of all sorts and shapes
old yard art works incredibly well, too!

I'll be gathering my stuff and sharing with you the how-to's on Wed!
Until then I would love to hear what you find to rust with...

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