Friday, April 3, 2015

Word Worthy

Words have always held a place of high reverence for me.

The right ones can get you in and out of trouble before anyone even knows what happened.
The wrong ones.... well, the wrong ones are hard to take back, hard to move beyond.
Then all the words
- right or wrong - can get your mind spinning off in ways that you never imagined.

A great writer makes a person - whether some one in the past, or off on some distant planet in the future, become. You form a vision of them, their lives take on a dimension, all from the words.

Aristotle once said,
'The word is the sign or symbol of the
impressions or affections of the soul.'

I love writing, but really I love where words take me visually, so lately it seems I have been off on a word study of my own --
more on the forms off the letters themselves at this point.
Like SPIRIT, in January,
and the #loveletterhearts to celebrate February.
Then, in March many of you joined in the 21-Day Creativity Challenge where one 'word' that could help you be creative everyday.

It's amazing just how many different ways one word can be seen and shared.

Looks like in April there will be more words -- as I continue working on bringing you all an entire alphabet to use for your own 'words'.

Here's a bit of a teaser.
Stand by for further teasing...
I hope that you enjoy the ride and in the end find some 'word worthy' stitch-portunites along with me.

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