Friday, November 28, 2014

Another Peek --

This week the sneak peek is a bit late....

I blame it on Thanksgiving!
Earlier this week our house was filled with shopping and cooking...
then happily we had a grand assortment of family young and old that gathered around the table to dive in to all the fixin's. I hope that if you celebrate Thanksgiving that you had the same opportunity to share a meal with someone close to you and give thanks.

Today brings a bit of time to relax and catch our breath, and of course there will be another round of sharing -- this time the leftovers. My own favorite is right there on the top shelf in that bowl top....homemade cranberry sauce....yumm!    
I also am pleased to be able to share with you a peek at another quilt from my new book.

This one is called Bulls Eye Roses, and was inspired the 12 bushes of knock out roses that took up home in my garden. These beauties were not only fun to look at, but have a lovely fragrance as well.
 My own roses were yellow, but I loved the idea of mixing it up with pinks.
In this last picture you can see a bit of the detail in the quilting. This wonderful quilting motif was created by Mandy Liens.

My next post will be all about Mandy,
so you won't want to miss it!

Enjoy your Black Friday!
I'm off to stitching.

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