Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Alchemy in Bookmaking

Hi All,
It's been a while, but I have been having so much fun this year learning new mixed media techniques. I have been fiddling around trying to get going on something new, and well....

I have found a way to use some of the old pieces of wonderful memory filled projects and turning them into new fun play, and new projects with their own set of wonderful memories.

Workshops with on-line and in person teachers have left me reaching into scraps of paper and fabrics, mixing it all up with paint, ink, and stitching resulting in bookmaking.

I love that I can make it all me.

the latest is my purple book: wings, feathers, nests

so many folks wanted to see all the pages so I jumped in and with lots of help produced a video that is now up.

click over to check it out.

purple book: ravens, wings, feathers, nests